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Sashiko For Beginners: 20 Sashiko Japanese Running Stitch Projects with Tips and Techniques

Sashiko For Beginners: 20 Sashiko Japanese Running Stitch Projects with Tips and Techniques Thank you! +27
Series: Sashiko

Pages: 111
Language: японский

Description: Sashiko For Beginners: 20 Sashiko Japanese Running Stitch Projects with Tips and Techniques to Get You Started. Автор: Ichiro Spacey. Сашико - это вид вышивки, очень характерный для японского народа, который выполняется с помощью простых стежков для создания узорчатого фона. Узоры могут включать в себя изогнутые или прямые линии сшитых повторяющихся схем. В издании более чем 20 проектов, в которых показано, как легко использовать выкройки Сашико для изготовления красивых предметов для дома. Они способны помочь новичкам внести больше света в мир вышивки.

Sashiko is a kind of embroidery that is very peculiar to the Japanese folk which functions with the basic running of stitches to make a patterned background. The patterns may include curved or straight lines of stitched arrangements in a repeated way. It comes with quilting patterns and resources, fabrics, threads, and needles. Sashiko can be traced back to over 300 years ago as a way of maintaining warm and conserving clothing. There are many tools and materials used in Sashiko which range from embroidery needles, floss, hoops, novelty floss; scissors, pearl cotton, felt, needles, silk threads, woven fabrics among others. A lot of stitching tips and techniques in Sashiko which are fully discussed here. The core of this book is the chapter with a 20+ project that shows how easy it is to use Sashiko patterns to make beautiful items for home uses. They are capable of assisting beginners to bring more light to the embroidery world. The projects spring from various Japanese embroidery, Sashiko knee patch, and others. All of which come with their materials and steps on making them. Pattern Library is not left out, as it was discussed extensively to help you reach your crafting goals.

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