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Joyful Mending: Visible Repairs for the Perfectly Imperfect Things We Love! 2020

Joyful Mending: Visible Repairs for the Perfectly Imperfect Things We Love! 2020 Спасибо! +23

№ электронной книги: 4706
Кол-во стр: 176
Формат фаилов: jpg в архиве rar
Качество фаилов: 5+
Размер: Мб
Язык: английский/японский

Цена: 100 руб.

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Описание: Японская книга, переведенная на английский язык. Joyful Mending shows you how to fix old items of clothing, linens and household objects by turning tears and flaws into beautiful features. Simply by applying a few easy sewing, darning, felting, or crocheting techniques, as well as some sashiko and other favorite embroidery stitches, you can repair your favorite pieces in a transformative way. These techniques can save you money, as well as make your life more joyful, fulfilling and sustainable in an age of disposable -fast fashion- Author Noriko Misumi teaches you her philosophy of mending and reusing items based on the age-old Japanese concepts of mindfulness and Wabi Sabi (an appreciation of old and imperfect things). In her book, she shows you how to: Repair any kind of fabric that is torn, ripped or stained--whether knitted or woven Work with damaged flat or curved surfaces to make them aesthetically pleasing again Create repairs that blend in, as well as bold or whimsical visible repairs Darn your handmade or expensive gloves, sweaters and socks to make them look great again The joy to be found in working with your hands and the personal artistry you discover within yourself lie at the heart of this book. While nothing lasts forever, there is pleasure, as well as purpose, in appreciating age and imperfection. Joyful Mending allows you to surround yourself with the things that truly give you joy, whether they were given to you by a loved one, picked up in your travels or simply have a special place in your heart. About the Author: Noriko Misumi graduated from Tokyo is Musashino University of Art and Design before becoming an author, magazine stylist, window display designer and instructor. She is a frequent contributor to crafting and DIY magazines in her native Japan, helps to organize exhibits and teaches workshops throughout the country.

Автор Норико Мисуми учит вас своей философии починки и повторного использования предметов, основанной на вековых японских концепциях осознанности и ваби-саби (признание старых и несовершенных вещей). Просто применяя несколько простых техник шитья, штопки, валяния или вязания крючком, а также сашико и других любимых вышивальных стежков, вы можете преобразить свои любимые вещи. Эти методы могут сэкономить вам деньги, а также сделать вашу жизнь более радостной, полноценной и устойчивой в эпоху одноразовой «быстрой моды».

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